Top down interpretation is a language process when we use the background knowledge and previous experience of a situation, context and topic to interpret meaning. We use prior knowledge to anticipate, predict and infer meaning. Top down is a language processing involves the reconstruction of meaning through the prior knowledge or "schema". Listener actively reconstruct the original meaning of the speaker using incoming soundand other signal like body language as clues. Prior knowledge of context unable us to make sense of what we hear.we also use schema to understand what we are contrast bottom up processing is a language process when the languages relies on decoding the sound and the letters of word, clause, sentence and such. we then use our knowledge of grammatical, syntactic and lexical rules to interpret meaning. In this view, language users work from the bottom (the sounds they hear and the letters they encounter) to identify meaning. Bottom up processing is particularly important when learners use their receptive language skill of listening and reading, because it plays a big role in making input comprehensible. Bottom up is start with the smallest units and gradually decode them until we understand the content of what we are listening to and reading. when we are listen we discriminate the distinctive sound of English, recognize the stress pattern and the rhythmic structure of English and discern how we use stress and intonation to signal information. meaning and comprehension is the last steps in the decoding process. When we read we use the building blocks of language to make meaning of what we see in the printed page. we then need to process written information through grammar and sentences, from this block we build comprehension. Bottom up process include sounds and graphemes (the representation sound by letters)


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