Method of Teaching 2

dibuat untuk memenuhi assignment 2 mata kuliah M.O.T fakultas sastra Universitas Pakuan.

     Komunikasi merupakan suatu proses yang berkelanjutan karena setiap waktu dimanapun kita berada, proses komunikasi akan terus dilakukan. Sedangkan tindakan komunikasi memerlukan kompetensi komunikatif, yaitu kompetensi gramatikal, sosiolinguistik, wacana dan strategi. Peserta didik diharuskan dan sangat penting untuk memiliki kompetensi komunikatif karena semua kompetensi tersebut akan mempengaruhi serta mendukung kegiatan belajar peserta didik. Kompetensi komunikatif digunakan dalam keterampilan bahasa seperti understanding, speaking, reading dan writing.

Method of teaching

in order to complete the assignment 1 MOT in literary faculty of Pakuan University.

   Motivation is some kind of internal and external drive which pushes someone to do things in order to achieve something. William and Burden point out that the strength of that motivation will depend on how much value the individual places on the out come he or she wishes to achieve.


A researcher named Garry Dell and his colleagues studied slips of the tongue and proposed a theory of similar to that of the parallel distributed processing approach including the concept of spreading activation. Dell argues when that when you are formulating a sentence you start at the word meaning level.then you start to represent the sentence at the sound level. When you are preparing to say the word you activate the sounds of the word you want to say and sometimes a similar sound is activated and said instead of the correct sound. In recent research by Dell and his colleagues, they use parallel distributed processing model to explain speech errors. The model argues that word selection can be explain by spreading activation throughout a lexical network.



Spoonerism named after William A. Spooner (1844-1930) who had reputation for making this slips of the tongue. Spoonerism in the Oxford English Dictionary is the transposition of two sounds, or of the first letters of two words, in the simple sentence. In 1879, Dr. Spooner announced hymn as "The Kinquering Congs The Tittle Take" since then, he has been labeled the author of the countless spoonerism. But, on his wedding celebration, he stoutly maintained that 'Kinquering Congs' was his one and only spoonerism, that it was a slips of his tongue. The scientific name of the spoonerism is an Exchange, or in the Greek, Metaphasis. What we can learn of slips of the tongue with regard of the psycholinguistics is that:

  • We obviously start speaking before we have planned how we finish our very first sentence
  • Planning seems to start with a rough outline of the sentence structure with is eventually filled with lexical items while speaking has already started 


Top down interpretation is a language process when we use the background knowledge and previous experience of a situation, context and topic to interpret meaning. We use prior knowledge to anticipate, predict and infer meaning. Top down is a language processing involves the reconstruction of meaning through the prior knowledge or "schema". Listener actively reconstruct the original meaning of the speaker using incoming soundand other signal like body language as clues. Prior knowledge of context unable us to make sense of what we hear.we also use schema to understand what we are reading.